Author: Willow Berzin

Was the Nature Positive Initiative, well, positive?

Still processing and digesting the experience of representing Regen Places Network at the world first Global Nature Positive Summit 2024 last week in #Sydney. I shared a check out with RPN Co-convenor Tyler Key on Friday when he asked me ‘what did it feel like…’

Sure we’ve got a long way to go, but if felt like a bold and courageous step forward to be celebrated. Surprise surprise, it felt really positive. From my perspective this was largely due to the consideration put into the design of the summit; grounded with and by Indigenous leadership.

Some themes that came up; 'Natures wellbeing means humans wellbeing', there is no life/future/world without Country, without the ocean, without food & water security. Our First Peoples in Australia are the keepers of 65,000+ years of experience and wisdom as custodians of Country, for us all and the rest of world to learn with and from. Isn’t it about time we started listening to the wisdom they offer?

What might walking together to a #NaturePositive world really be like?

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