Happiness is a journey
Author: Stina Kerans - All my conscious life, my main desire was for people to be happy! Like most simple things in life, 60 years later this goal still evades me—not because I don’t know how to achieve this, but because the financial ways of the world prevent it!
During my life’s journey I became exceedingly interested in the human potential, or better said: the potential of our species to evolve and live in harmony with the earth.
This series sets out to describe the evolution of this happiness theme, and why I offer kinesiology to those who wish to become the best version of themselves.
This desire within me began as a child when seeing the children with polio sitting on the veranda of the Collaroy children’s hospital in their wheelchairs watching the people on the beach. It pulled at my heartstrings, so in my childlike way I set about the task of finding ways to give them some joy!
I made cakes and knitted clothes for babies that I raffled, going door to door in my small supportive local neighbourhood of Collaroy Plateau. I would deliver the proceeds to the hospital along with a cake for the kids. In hindsight I don’t know why it was, but I never wanted to be seen, so I would watch from the beach with silent satisfaction as the cake was delivered to the veranda and be devoured by the children.
At ten years old this era of my life ended when we left for overseas to film the first TV travel series about the lives of children in other countries. At the start of the 1960s the world and its traditional ways hadn’t been homogenised by TV. So within these old cultures from the Laps in Lapland to the olive and almond groves in Spain, and every country in-between, I experienced the sort of village happiness that I went on in my life to try and recreate for all people!
On returning to Australia two years later, my teenage years tell a very different story, for another time!