Kaurna Yarta

Author: Tyler Key
Regeneration only happens in right relationship. To be in right relationship with Tarndanya (so called Adelaide), it means to acknowledge that it always was and always will be Kaurna land. Stories that have always been told on this Country and continue to be told because of the resilience of Kaurna people despite ongoing processes of colonisation and displacement.
These ongoing processes of colonisation and displacement were exemplified recently when an international bicycle race and the local council initially informed local Kaurna leaders (by the police) that they cannot protest Jan 26 / Survival Day where they have done every year for over 50 years.
Only after considerable effort and organising from the Kaurna community did they agree to move the bicycle race to another part of the city.
It starts with Non-Indigenous people committing to listening from the heart to Country and First People's truth-telling.
As shared in Protocols for Non-Indigenous People Working with Indigenous Knowledge (written by Indigenous scholars from IKSLabs at Algoma (Canada) and Deakin (Australia) Universities, in conjunction with Indigenous thinkers from AIME and the Indigenous Commons - including Tyson Yunkaporta). We need to learn to walk together and create a new future - but one that doesn't create a third way and erases the past or the future of Indigenous culture. One that creates a new story and weaves it alongside the other two. Indigenous stories, Non-Indigenous stories, and reconciling stories.