Sourcing Mid North Coast - Catherine's Story

Sourcing Mid North Coast - Catherine's Story
Womens Circle of Changemakers Permaculture Design Course in October 2024

Author: Catherine Reynolds - Regen MNC Village Network emerged from an interconnected web of events, intentions, connections, endings, rebirths and hands in the dirt…

Lets start with hands

The image above shows the final ritual of connection for our Womens Circle of Changemakers Permaculture Design Course in October 2024 where Karla and I met and recognised our aligned purpose with polar opposite backgrounds with a bevy of earth mummas, indigenous leaders from 4 continents, environmental warriors and gorgeous young emerging regenerative activators as our support team.

This moment was the culmination for me of 16 Days of full consensual immersion in a process of positive disintegration, group meditative healing and active re-integration, deep technical regenerative practice learning, and conscious emotional, spiritual expansion - with a strong dose of composting, planting, bush walking and knee deep in mud experiences.

This process of intensive unlearning of old views of separation , cleansing , healing, connecting, and realigning fundamentally with the interconnectedness of living systems and each other as part of this system, was for me the most critical step of embodiment of my four year regenerative learning journey. This had been primarily a mental shift with a large dose of trauma recovery, sitting quietly with the void after dismantling my worldviews and values systems and then expansive connection and investigation seeking “what is mine to do”.

It was at this moment that I knew was ready to truly commence my regenerative life, and be of genuine service

It was also at this moment when I realised that the most important work to be done by all of us is to connect meaningfully with those around us, look and feel deeply into the places where we live, work and play, listening and learning from indigenous wisdom and embracing the perspectives of those we don’t understand. We must learn how to “walk together” to heal and regenerate our lives and those places through active involvement in our communities.

Karla will tell her own story, but essentially, we went home to our respective families after the course knowing that we would work together on something powerfully transformative but didn’t know what it was… Within a week, I called Karla to say I had found a project that needed her deep experience in building and running a regenerative learning centre and that I needed her ongoing spiritual mentorship and deeply embodied guidance.

Regen MNC Village Network was born, and we all have a role to play.

Connect with your place